Alan Ganan
Artist Statement
As a storyteller, I am a firm believer in the importance of quality, style and compelling narrative as the driving force in my work. I draw inspiration from my passions, my experiences, and the experiences of those close to me in order to craft a meaningful story while maintaining a sense of whimsy. My goal is to create content that not only entertains audiences, but hopefully also inspires a new generation of confident creatives.
Born in Miami Florida on August 12th, 1996, Alan Ganan has always had an interest in the arts, even as far back as kindergarten. It all started with paper crafts, going through countless reams of paper constructing vehicles, props, and accessories. As he grew older his focus shifted more towards drawing.  In 2005, the animated film Robots was released, and Alan along with his family went to go see it in theaters. As he watched the movie, he became filled with inspiration and determination to push himself towards improvement.
In high school, Alan took an art class in his sophomore year where he experimented with various different mediums such as acrylic paints, water colors, terracotta clay, etc. In his high school senior class, he had more freedom in the pieces he made as well as the medium he made them in. It was at this time that he began to believe that art could lead to a tangible career instead of just a hobby. After graduating high school, he attended Florida International University (FIU)  in Miami for fine arts. Here he quickly realized that the harshest opinions of his art were his own, and as a result, constantly drove himself towards improvement.
Experiencing the sometimes overwhelming nature of college, Alan discovered that he wanted to practice his craft more so during his free time than ever before. So he decided to join an online drawing community in addition to his classes keep those drawing muscles strong. From sunrise to sunset, Alan would practice form, gesture, narrative, and efficiency whenever he could.
After two years at FIU, Alan was able to transfer into University of Central Florida (UCF) to further his artistic growth both in class and during his personal time. While studying there, Alan gained an appreciation of the importance of different perspectives in the creation process and critique of artwork. It was also here where Alan learned that if he wanted to make a career of this, then it would take more than just drawing chops. Leadership, organizational, marketing, and time management skills would be key for not only graduation, but moving forward in his journey towards becoming a professional.
Today as a freelancer, Alan still strives for excellence in his work while keeping in mind the lessons and techniques from his time in school as well as picking up new ones along the way.
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